Worth the Wait

Once upon a time there lived a married couple who wanted children, but wanted to wait until after they had been married for 5 years. Fast forward to the middle of year 4 and the middle of a pregnancy scare.

I got off of birth control in 2015, because my birth control was making me crazy and causing a lot of marital issues. I didn’t realize at the time that my body can’t handle Estrogen based birth controls. So we had been using condoms as our preventative measure.

My period has always been off. I don’t have the luxury of predicting it like some women do, but it has always been between 28-32 days. In the early summer of 2017, I was on about day 40. We had taken pregnancy tests that were all negative, but I still wasn’t getting a period. With no real explanation as to what was happening, I scheduled a blood pregnancy test with my OB. By the time the results came back (negative), I was 15 days late on my period, and Brandon and I were both hoping for a positive. That is the day we decided to start trying to get pregnant even though it was earlier than planned.

If you know me at all, you know that I am an obsessive person. Our attempts at conceiving were in no way passive. I was tracking ovulation, temperature, periods, etc. If it could be tracked, I was tracking it.

4 months later we still weren’t pregnant, so Brandon had his Testosterone tested. Normal range for Testosterone in men is 450-850. My husband’s level was 44. Several tests later and we found a noncancerous brain tumor. Without going into all the technicals, it was blocking his body’s production of Testosterone. And so began his medication to shrink the tumor and get him back to normal. Within a couple of months his testosterone was in the lower, but normal, range!

3 months later- still no pregnancy. Brandon’s T levels were still on the rise, but we decided to have me tested as well. What we found out was that my body was not regularly ovulating. I was not dropping my egg on schedule every month, and there were some months that I wasn’t ovulating at all. Another obstacle.

I was given Letrozole. You start taking Letrozole on the last day of your period, and continue it for 5 days. That 5th day is supposed to be when you ovulate, and exactly 1 week later you start your period. According to this schedule, I ovulated on January 26, 2018. I decided that on Feb 2(one week later), I would wake up and take a pregnancy test no matter what. IT WAS POSITIVE!

9 months later we gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy. I look at him like he put the stars in the sky. He is absolutely perfect, and he was absolutely worth the wait.

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