Baby Blues

This post is going to be a little more personal that my past ones, but its something that I think needs to be talked about more. I was not in love with my baby when he was born. Or for the 6 weeks after, if we're being completely honest. I didn't hate Atticus- I wanted… Continue reading Baby Blues

Mean Mommy

Yesterday morning, Atticus decided to wake up about 4 hours earlier than normal. In order to let my husband get some sleep, I brought the baby into the living room and rocked him. He screamed.  That's how the next hour went. I rocked; I tried to feed him; I tried to play. I did everything that… Continue reading Mean Mommy

Worth the Wait

Once upon a time there lived a married couple who wanted children, but wanted to wait until after they had been married for 5 years. Fast forward to the middle of year 4 and the middle of a pregnancy scare. I got off of birth control in 2015, because my birth control was making me… Continue reading Worth the Wait

Atticus’s Fox Nursery

One of my favorite things to do when I was pregnant was to look up other people's nurseries and draw inspiration from them. Because of this, I wanted to do a "walk-through" of Atticus's nursery. Maybe you'll draw some inspiration from it, or maybe you'll just enjoy looking at pictures. Either way, I hope you… Continue reading Atticus’s Fox Nursery

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! I'm writing this as my beautiful baby boy sleeps in my arms, and I can't help but think back on the journey that got us here. I originally wanted to start this blog during my pregnancy, but I knew that no one would want to read about my near-perfect experience (seriously,… Continue reading The Journey Begins

Ain’t No Sleep for the Wicked

No, I'm not calling my 8 week old son "wicked." But when he was 6 weeks old? I don't know that there is a more descriptive word. I'm kidding. Mostly. Atticus has always been a pretty good baby, but around 6 weeks he became a Stage Five Clinger. He would NOT be put down for… Continue reading Ain’t No Sleep for the Wicked