Wonder Dad

While scrolling through Facebook yesterday I stumbled upon a post about dads. The beginning paragraph seemed to praise a man who was helping with the baby, but it quickly turned into a resent filled rant about why the mom deserved the praise.

One of the complaints came from when the father “wore” the baby to the grocery store. The mom described how fellow shoppers were amazed at this, and kept telling her how lucky she was to have a man who helped out.. She was upset because she wears the baby frequently, and no one tells the dad how lucky he is!

I completely get it- I do. Father’s share half of the DNA required to create a baby, but for many the responsibility ends there. On top of that, dads often get praised for putting in the bare minimum, while moms are expected to go above and beyond just to avoid being shamed. It’s a ridiculous double standard that is addressed in a skit by comedian Ali Wong where she says, “It takes so little to be considered a great dad, and it also takes so little to be considered a shitty mom.”

But that isn’t what this post is about. I want to really brag about my actual wonder dad. My husband has done so much more than the bare minimum, and I think he deserves a post specifically for him.

When I was recovering from my C-Section, Brandon took off six weeks to help me. He changed 100% of the diapers for the first 2 weeks- I have no idea what a Meconium diaper even looks like. He did laundry, dishes, etc. He honestly kept this family running. He didn’t just share the duty of having a baby; he took over completely.

And now that he’s back at work? Not much has changed. It has become more 60/40, but that’s expected with me being a Stay at Home Mom! As soon as he gets home, he has no problem taking over baby duty and/or helping me cook dinner. I honestly believe that if he was capable, he’d split nighttime breastfeeding duty with me as well. I have the most amazing husband, and Atticus has the most amazing dad.

End brag post.

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