The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! I’m writing this as my beautiful baby boy sleeps in my arms, and I can’t help but think back on the journey that got us here. I originally wanted to start this blog during my pregnancy, but I knew that no one would want to read about my near-perfect experience (seriously, it was great!), so I decided to start now- 8 weeks postpartum and completely in awe!


This child is everything I wanted. We tried to get pregnant for about 6 months before we realized that A) I was not ovulating properly and B) My husband was not producing enough testosterone due to a non-cancerous brain tumor. We were both put on medication, and we were pregnant within our first month! I mentioned that my pregnancy was near-perfect, so I’ll skip all of the gag-worthy details. The only issue that I ended up having was Gestational Diabetes, and I controlled that through diet (goodbye sodas & desserts!). Unfortunately, my GD is what ultimately ended up causing a C-Section and ruining my dreams of an unmedicated natural birth. The medical staff would not let me go past 41 weeks with GD, and my sweet boy was in no hurry to be born- so we took him out on October 30, 2018. 

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