Ain’t No Sleep for the Wicked

No, I’m not calling my 8 week old son “wicked.” But when he was 6 weeks old? I don’t know that there is a more descriptive word.

I’m kidding. Mostly. Atticus has always been a pretty good baby, but around 6 weeks he became a Stage Five Clinger. He would NOT be put down for any reason. Awake. Asleep. It didn’t matter. If he was awake, the screaming would start as soon as he left my arms. If he was asleep- his eyes would pop open the minute I laid him down, and THEN he would cry. They call this the “Fourth Trimester” apparently. It is not a fun time. I was searching for literally anything that would help me get chores done around the house and give both of us some sleep. These are the two things that saved us

  • 1. SwaddleMe swaddles. We had tried swaddle blankets before, but they never stayed on and he really just didn’t like them. Here’s my facebook post from the first time I tried the SwaddleMe.

They can be found at Target, but I also found them on Amazon for slightly cheaper.

  • 2. Baby Wrap Carrier. This has been amazing. It allows my son to be “held” and feel close to me, but it also allows me to have full usage of both arms! I use it around the house to get chores done, and I also use it when I go out! Grocery shopping is much easier when he is strapped to me. I received this as a baby shower gift, and I was so glad when I thought to try it out! It is also on Amazon!

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